Tuesday, December 22, 2015


I’m a day late with this post and I know it looks like I’m cheating (trying to garner a few more votes). That isn’t the case, but I have to admit that this morning when there was a new comment I was kinda hoping that my tardiness gave way to another vote. Alas, that was not the case, but I did hear from a dear friend who had kind of disappeared from the blogosphere, so it’s all good.

I like both versions of ‘Carol of the Bells’. As most of you stated, the TSO version sure had a whole lot of ‘umph’. They are rocking from the beginning to the end. I can only imagine what it must be like to see them in person. I’ll bet their shows are pretty wild.

The Piano Guys (I really wish they would give those Cello guys some credit in the name) are a bit more subdued, but it is still a great version. I love the various sounds that guy gets out of that cello. Certainly not something heard in your normal symphony orchestra.

My vote goes to The Piano Guys, but in the end it wasn’t enough to give them the win. I did feel that this was a pretty good BATTLE, going back and forth right up until the end. The last two votes cast, from the boys at ABFTS, put TSO over the top.

The final Tally:
                        TSO          12 votes
                        TPG           10 votes (including mine)

That’s it for BATTLE OF THE BANDS in 2015 at this site. I hope to make it back on January 1, 2016 with something new to delight and amaze you. I will be traveling so, if my post doesn’t get up first thing in the morning, please check back a little later in the day (being New Year’s Day, I expect there will be a lot of that type of thing going around).

I want to take the time to wish each and every one of you the most Merry Christmas and the prospect of a Joyous New Year. I sincerely hope you are able to take some time and ‘remember the reason for the season’. This is a time when we give gifts to remember the greatest gift given to us, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If that offends anyone, well…too bad. It’s how I feel. 

Remember Jesus loves YOU, even if you don’t love HIM!

Until next year…HAPPY TRAILS!

 Here's something I found from The Piano Guys, that I really liked. Enjoy!


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


The last Christmas BATTLE OF THE BANDS and the last BATTLE OF THE BANDS for 2015.

First up:

And the Opponents:

You know what to do and how to do it.

For more information and a link to the other players, please go HERE.

Hopefully, I’ll be back on the 21st to cast my vote, and let you know who the big winner is.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!

Monday, December 7, 2015

BATLE OF THE BANDS - A Real Christmas Horserace

WHO-WEE! This BATTLE really turned into a race. If you go back to the original post you will notice the second comment from Mr. McCarthy where he refers to my luck in the fact that the first two votes were one for each of the competitors. Mr. McCarthy was pretty sure this contest could have been a shut-out, but was at the very least going to be a blow-out. After about a half dozen votes or so, I was pretty sure he was right. Boy, or boy, was I disappointed.

Mr. McCarthy suggested that Judy’s version, with the movie clip was a little tinny sounding and a bit long. I had to agree, but I love that scene from the movie so much I wanted to share it with you. Anyway…through about two thirds of the voting Judy was getting trounced.

BUT, I knew I could count on you guys and the later votes were pretty much all for Judy.

Now, don’t get me wrong Mr. Mathis does a fine job on this one and I have to agree with those of you who said he sounded a tad bit more cheerful than Judy, but it’s still a pretty sad song. And to my ears, Johnny’s tiny upbeat turn, just didn’t do it for me.

Aside from the fact that this movie is number six movie, on the list of my twenty-five all-time favorite movies, and this little scene is my very most favorite in the whole movie, and Judy looks so beautiful and sings so sweetly in this scene; do I really need to go on, and do I need to say out loud that I give Judy my vote. She introduced this song in 1944 and she still owns it today!

The final tally is:
                      Johnny Mathis                       11 votes
                      Judy Garland                        13 votes (including mine)

I am thrilled that this was such a close race. For a few days I even thought I was going cast the deciding vote, but in the end Judy pulled ahead by one vote, and then mine gave her a two vote lead to win. It’s my opinion that the closer the race, the stronger the BATTLE.

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas Season. I’ll be back on the 15th with another BATTLE and guess what type of music I will be using. Until then…Happy Trails!