Are we losing it? No, no, no, I don’t mean
that general ‘it’ as in our ‘cool’, our ‘sanity’, our ‘temper’, or any other ‘it’
on an emotional level. What I’m wondering about, is are we losing our ability
to REALLY write and express ourselves.
Are we losing our ability to write, in the
sense of really, truly communicating something, anything, through our words on
the page (or screen, as this particular case may be).
Now, first I want to say; I realize that we
are just four days from the end of that A to Z thing, and I suppose most of you
are pretty tired. I know you’ve been trying to keep up with your own posts,
while you run around the blogosphere and leave as many meaningful comments, on
various interesting blogs. So, please don’t take offense at what I’m about to
say. Maybe think of my comments as having to do with our writing/communicating
ability the other eleven months of the year.
Anyway…due to that old ‘birds of a feather’
thing and the fact that like interest attract like interest, we tend of ‘follow’
others who suffer from the same afflictions have similar interests. I’m
a writer, a wannabe author, so it follows that a lot of you are the same. So,
if we’re writers (or authors) we should be masters of the written word, right?
Communication of ideas, images, feelings, and emotions is our forte, right? We
practice this at every possible chance, right? We want to be the very best we
can be in the hope of attracting someone, anyone, who is willing to pay to read
our work, or at least try to sell it to others who will pay to read it, right?
One of the ways we practice our craft and
try to entice those who might pay for our written word is through our blogs,
right? Another way might be to travel around the Internet and visit other blogs
and leave comments, right? This should be a way to interact with other sufferers
of the same affliction persons who are also practicing their craft and
possibly teaching us something in the process, right?
SO…if this is the case, why are there so
many blogs that drum up a lot of comments, but the blog author does not take
the opportunity to thank the commenters and thereby practice their craft once
more by making a reply? Why do so many ACTUAL AUTHORS (I’m told this definition
is a person who has had their work published.) leave those short sentence ‘hit
and run’ comments? Why do so many of us, think that the ‘art of writing’, of
practicing our craft, taking the opportunity to teach/learn, doesn’t apply
Recently, I was introduced to a new blogger
and his blog. Mr. Shady Dell Knight. His posts are fun and informative, and I
find myself really enjoying his blog, BUT what I really want to draw your
attention to are the replies to the comments at his blog and the comments he
leaves at other blogs. They are as well formed and considerate as his own
posts. Most impressive in this day of the fifteen second attention span and
sound byte.
Mr. Knights two most recent posts were
devoted to a ‘guest’ and although this ‘guest’ didn’t know a lot of the commenters
that didn’t slow her down one little bit in leaving thoughtful, insightful,
well written and thought out replies to each and every comment. Bravo to you Mr.
Knight and to your guest Kathleen Mae Schneider, as well.
Now, back to my original questions. Are we
losing it? Or are we at least at risk of losing it? AND, by ‘it’ I mean the
real reason we’re here.
Please don’t get your panties in a bunch
over this. Keep in mind these are just the thoughts of one dumb blonde, but I
really would like to know what you think and if you’ve noticed, felt frustrated,
or given a moment’s notice, to this type of thing.
I’ll be back on May 1st with
something more light and hopefully fun, another BATTLE OF THE BANDS, but
actually, I’ll be back before that, because I’m gonna try to give each and
every one of you who comment a thoughtful reply.
Oh, I almost forgot. If you’re interest in
visiting Mr. Shady Dell Knight, you can find him HERE