Monday, April 9, 2012



H is for HIJACK {to stop and rob (a vehicle in transit)}

I am a known HIJACKER. Not the menacing type who forces your vehicle to the side of the road and robs you of your possessions or primarily your vehicle. But, I am a hijacker of words. It happens in conversation all of the time. We’re talking about something and you interject an interesting topic and I’m off and running. It’s probably some form of ADD of ADHD or some other alphabet soup syndrome . I don’t know. I don’t mean to do it. I don’t mean to be rude. It just kind of happens. It’s just how my brain works. Be careful because I have also been known to hijack the comments box on your blog. Some days I just can’t seem to shut up.

{definitions courtesy of Wikipedia or Wiktionary}

A to Z Challenge – Want more information? Go right over there to that little A to Z Badge, CLICK and see what it’s all about. While you’re there checkout some of the other participants. It’s fun. You will like it. Go on now, you know you want to.


  1. Cute admission. I think we're all guilty of this upon occasion!

  2. I think I could be a word hijacker too. I'll try not to take over your comments section though. LOL.

  3. I seem to have this tendency, particularly with people I'm very close to, to finish their sentences... I hate it when that happens to me and yet I'm guilty of it. That to, is a form of hijacking.

  4. Funny. You're definitely not alone. :)

  5. I do this on a regular basis. I can be quiet during an entire conversation, but should anything I'm passionate about appear, I'm off running like you stated.

  6. Writers need their own alphabet soup! :)

  7. I think having an in person conversation with you would be fascinating! =D

  8. I know I'm definitely guilty of this on occasion. =)

  9. We all do this from time to time. However, it doesn't bother me until someone keeps interrupting me every single time I try to speak. Then I might get into rage mode.

  10. Me too. If a conversation were ever to happen between us, it would be really weird because we would both have this ADD thing going on and talking about whatever popped into our heads.

  11. I can be a conversation hijacker too! happens to the best of us.

  12. That's all right, by the time you'd realized you'd hijacked the conversation, I wouldn't remember what we were talking about in the first place!

  13. Now I'm imagining you wearing a black mask over your Zorro....or the Lone Ranger. The Blog Bandit! :)

  14. That was my mother, master of going off on a tangent.

  15. Very funny posting. I notice I do this too. I worked many years at a 7-11. I don't anymore, but have had people call out my name in the grocery store because they remember me and will start up conversations like we just talked yesterday.

  16. "H is for Hmmm..."

    I'm not a hijacker of conversations, although I have carjacked a few people. (Hey, the buses stop running here at midnight and I've never been able to afford a taxi. How'z a drunk s'posed to get home from the bar?)

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  17. Guilty! I'm a motor mouth. Thanks for stopping by today.

  18. oh well, I do the same thing and hijack away....I love to hear other's thoughts and opinions so go for it! :) great H word...

  19. Sounds like a great talent, that hijacking of yours. I love it when someone takes off on a topic I've touched on, then expands it. I learn so much that way!

    Great word for H!

  20. I think everyone does this at some point...I have to admit it is my main crime...especially when I am excited to see someone and visit with them.

  21. Better the conversation be hijacked than someting else. :)

  22. Ah, don't we just love words and why not hijack a few?


  23. I am a hijacker too! I have finally admitted it. I love that photo btw. Great post!

