Tuesday, September 4, 2012



Not a breath of air
Nor a ripple on the sea
Touch me if you dare
Help me, to not be me

Change is mandatory for survival
And change each of us must
See our life as a great revival
Learn lessons of love and trust

Give your heart away to another
Though trample it they may
Call them friend, lover, and brother
You learn to live another day

With no joy left in the living
Only the darkness of endless night
Let your heart keep on giving
Least your mind give up the fight

Keep on fighting to be stronger
Let no man take your rightful place
The night can get no longer
Because you can almost see God’s face

As the dawn breaks new and bright
New life shines with each of the sun’s rays
The winner is not always right
But the lover will see no more days

And the love still exists around you
Anger cannot make it dim
Though my heart may be cleave in two
In the end it is God who will win

My poetry may stink, but my heart is true.


  1. lovely--i felt your beautiful heart :)

  2. Breathe in, breathe out. Most heart felt.

  3. The interior hurts are the worst. Poetry writing can be therapeutic, it puts the emotions on paper, where we can analyze them.

    Surviving is a form of winning.

  4. With a title like "Winning" I thought this might be about Charlie Sheen.

    However, I do love the poem.

  5. That's awesome! I'm so jealous of people who can do poetry.

  6. FAE ~
    I like it. When it comes to verse, I think you and I have something in common: we don't write it so much as bleed it.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  7. If you think your poetry sticks, I shudder to see what people think of my poetry. In other words, this was a fantastic poem. I love rhyming poems.

    What a inspirational view on love!
