Friday, September 4, 2015


I'm feeling a whole lot better and a little bit bad that I opted out of BATTLE OF THE BANDS for September 1, so here's a musical selection for your enjoyment. 

No voting, nothing whatsoever required of you, but to sit back and enjoy.

Man, I hate to see summer come to an end.


  1. Hey Faraway! Glad you are feeling better.
    I admit, I like autumn a lot. Cooler weather and football.
    Sorry if you're still having problems commenting on my blog. You're not going into spam, so no idea.

    1. Thanks Alex.

      I'll try the blog again this week and see what happens. It could be something I'm doing, but I'm doing the same thing I've always done.

  2. Glad you are feeling better at your sea and hope you have a great weekend

  3. Thanks for Buffet!
    I have a question. I've been listing you on my BOTB blog as 'Far Away Eyes,' with the link to 'Far Away Series.' That shows up as FAE, rather than FAS. Do you have a preference?

    Glad you feeling some better!

    1. Thanks Dixie. I prefer to be called FAE. I intended the blog to just be called Far Away Eyes, but blogger had other ideas. I'm not sure who was the first person to start calling me FAE, probably STMc, but it has stuck and I kind of like it.

  4. Glad you're feeling better! Thanks for the musical interlude. Have a great Labour Day weekend. ☺

  5. Yeah, you SHOULD feel "a little bit bad that you opted out of BATTLE OF THE BANDS for September 1".

    In other words... STILL no sympathy for the devilette!

    This song isn't bad... for Jimmy Buffett. But the only "Buff-IT" I'm a fan of is the kind where you spend $7.00 and get all you can eat.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. When you find Buff-It for only $7, please let me know. Unfortunately, I think those days are long gone. Ha, ha, ha! But then you probably can get all of Jimmy you want for $7 or less. Ha, ha, ha!

    2. Oooh, I don't want no Jimmy at ANY price.

      But I think you can still get a $7.00 Buff-IT at Rail City casino on Victorian Ave. near the Reno-Sparks border.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. So glad you're feeling better, thanks for the music!

  7. I'm not big on Jimmy Buffett but I am big on kicking back and relaxing and I am especially happy to hear you're feeling better, so I'd call this post a win all around.

    1. Thanks guys. Kicking back and relaxing is a good thing, especially if you've been running as hard and fast as I have lately,

  8. Love that song - it's my favorite Jimmy-tune. Thanks, FAE!

    1. I agree. I think this may be my favorite JB tune also,

  9. Glad to hear that you're feeling better. Hope you're enjoying a holiday Monday (even if you're working).

    That Buffet song is one of my favorites of his repertoire. One of my brothers and his wife are avid Parrotheads to the extent that they go on special cruises and out of town events. I've never gotten into any artists to that extent, but I guess they have a lot of fun with it and have made a lot of friends.

    Take care!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. From what I hear Parrotheads are a rare breed. I attended one Buffet concert, and I have to admit it was a great party.

  10. I'm not a Buffet fan, or anything close to being a Parrothead, but I do like that song!

  11. I think I spent all of August "on vacation" from the online world. I missed it - a bit. Glad things are better for you.

    Check your e-mail, I sent you a message.

  12. Thanks, FAE! What a relaxing song.

    I like Jimmy Buffett. He is not anywhere near the top of my favorites, but I own his greatest hits CD. He has a sound and style unlike any other. He has built an empire on that style. I feel he is an "essential" part of music over the last 40 years. You've got to admire that. He does not crank out hits any more (did he ever?), but his following is fanatical and he has made many millions of dollars and continues to sell out concerts.

    We went to his Margaritaville Restaurant in Key West a few years ago and gave him some money... in exchange for a burger.

    1. I agree Buffett is one of a kind and he has parlayed that into millions. I'm not a parrothead by any stretch of the imagination, but I do enjoy some of his stuff, this being up there at the top of the list. Caught one of his concerts in Vegas a few years back. Can't say it was the 'bet' concert I every attended, but it was one of the most fun. His fans create a great big party and the craziness is contagious.

      I've been to Margaritaville, but never to Key West. One of the places I'm sorry to have missed during the two years I spent in Florida.

  13. I LOVE fall! I'm just waiting for this week to be over (it's going to be crazy) so that I can fully enjoy it.

    1. Yeah, as sorry as I am to see summer go, I admit to being a fall junkie, and I love the anticipation of Christmas.

      Thanks for stopping by Stephanie.
