Monday, September 21, 2015

With twenty-two votes in, it’s time to tally up and cast my vote. Are you waiting with baited breath? Sitting on the edge of your seat? Anxious to see the outcome? Well, probably not, but this was a fun BATTLE for me with the voting going back and forth.

When Mr. Sheboygan Six offered this tune to me, one of the contenders he suggested was Karla Bonhoff. I love her, and had forgotten all about using her in one of my BATTLES, but then the search was on to find a worthy contender. Mr. Six thought that maybe Charlotte Church would make a good match-up. I listened to her version and thought it beautiful, but felt that you the voters, would lean heavily toward Karla and create a real blow-out. Nobody wants to see that!

As I listened and listened to the numerous versions of this beautiful song, I became more and more confused. Honestly, I don’t think there is a bad one in the lot (I admit that I did not listen to the Pete Seeger version, so maybe…). I avoided the Lilith Fair rendition mainly because it was a concert performance and an unusual group, but when I finally listened, I was blown away by the ending. Many of you called it ‘emotion packed’ and I certainly agree.

In the end I cast my vote for Karla Bonhoff and friends. The overall simplicity and truly melancholy feel to her version is perfect for this lovely, haunting melody with the heartbreaking words. In the end the majority of you agreed with me.

The final tally, including my vote is:
          Karla Bonhoff and Friends            14 votes
          Lilith Fair Girls                              9 votes

I would say this was a pretty fair match-up, wouldn’t you?

Let me know what you think. I promise to get back to you soon, but I will be on the road tomorrow, so please be patient with me. I’ll be back on the first of October with another, what I hope will be, good BATTLE for you. Until that time…Happy Trails!

Here's a favorite of mine and a Thank You for the help I received from my friends on this BATTLE. Enjoy while you wait for me to get back to you!


  1. Pretty close one indeed and yeah it was a fair match up.

  2. I missed your battle, but I'll try to circle back for the next one! Hope your trip is for pleasure.

    1. Trip was actually for pleasurable work. Did that make sense? Oh well, you know me. Hope to see you on the 15th for the next BATTLE.

  3. I don't even remember who I voted for...
    Safe travels!

    1. Thanks Alex. I guess that means you liked them both well enough.

  4. Yeah, FAE, that was a pretty good Battle. A clear winner but definitely no blowout. I always figure anything within a 5-vote margin is a competitive contest.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. I would have to agree. I do like ties, but I often hate to cast the deciding vote.

  5. That was a good battle FAE. Like 'em like dat!

  6. This was an excellent match-up I'd say. It was much better than any match-up that might have included Pete Seeger whom I would have voted against no matter who would have run against him. Well, maybe that's a bit extreme, but I can't think of anyone else.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Ha! I agree with that.
      The B-52s Vs. Pete Seeger?
      Hmmmmm... Maybe that's the ONLY match-up where Pete Seeger might get my vote.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Ha, ha, ha! to both of you. I don't think the B-52's covered this song, but then maybe I didn't look far enough. There were an awful lot of covers. I don't think I'll be using Ole Petey in a BATTLE any time soon.

  7. It was an interesting battle and even though I chose the losing entry, enjoyed both renditions.

    1. Glad to hear it Debbie. IMO, both were equally good and it all boils down to personal choice.

  8. Farawayeyes -

    Thanks for posting my favorite Karla Bonoff song!

    It is a waltz. It is a great driving song. The lyrics speak to the warmth and peace of "home." The song takes its time to patiently move towards the perfect conclusion. This version has the fabulous Kenny Edwards on mandolin (now passed away) of the Stone Poneys and Bryndle, and the incredibly talented Nina Gerber on steel guitar. Karla just played LAST NIGHT at the Triple Door in Seattle. We were not able to go because we have guests, though we did go last year when she was here.

    I hope everyone of your readers takes the time to listen to the song!

    1. No problem whatsoever good sir. I really like that one also.

      You sound like the perfect host. Me, I might have made an excuse and left the guests to their own devices. Or, better yet, encouraged them to attend the concert too.

      I too hope they all listened to this great song, but if not - their loss!

  9. Nice. I miss "seeing" you more often. Hope you're doing better.

    1. Ah, Miss Donna; I often read your great blog from my phone, but alas it won't let me leave a comment and lately I've been too busy to get myself back over their to comment. I'm going to be trying to do better though, but then who knows?

  10. Fae ~ this was great. At least I picked another winner on someone else's battle.

    My own 'flopped.' Yeah, I know > you never know. Glad you felt better, and in time to battle (smile).

    1. Hey Miss Dixie, IMO if you took the time to participate, it was no flop. Some of our BATTLES are better than others. so far, I think I'm the queen of the shut outs - I've at least had my share.

  11. My battle wasn't very close, which is disappointing, but I guess I wasn't alone in that! I picked the winner in yours though, so that's nice :)

    1. Glad you picked the winner here. If I've learned anything from BOTB, it's that you can't get it right all of the time, whether at your own space or some others.

  12. Thanks for sharing the song. I've been without a speaker for most of the battles, but I wrestled one back for this week. Yay! We have too many computer needs in this house.

    1. I hate when that happens. Computer woes are the pits.

  13. This was a good song selection, especially with the band who won. Karla Bonhoff & Co. are really nice. Like this song as well.

  14. I always love when a battle's close, and in this one both versions were good. But...hey, with that said, always good to be on the winning team. :)

    1. So you boys picked the winner here, eh? I love it when that happens for me. But, I agree with this one, both were so good it really didn't matter.

  15. Lovely song you ended your post with. I'm not sad my choice didn't win as both versions were rather exquisite.

    1. Thanks Bish, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. both those versions were so good it really didn't matter who won.

  16. I am so appreciative of all of these comments and sincerely apologize that I have not made it back to make a personal reply to each and every one of you. I have been working a lot and managed to come down with a case of the flu somewhere in my spare time (thank you co-workers). I'm supposed to be off tomorrow so I will make an effort to come back and talk to you guys personally

    I'm so glad that you all enjoyed this BATTLE as much as I did.
